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来源:广东中策知识产权研究院 发布日期:2024-10-18 阅读:3





WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a final order terminating proceedings in roughly 3,100 patent applications for the fraudulent entry of the S-signature of a registered practitioner by someone other than the practitioner.

华盛顿特区 - 2024年10月2日,美国专利商标局(USPTO)发布了一项最终命令,终止了约3100件专利申请的诉讼程序,原因是注册执业者以外的人以欺诈方式输入了该执业者的电子签名(S-signature)。

Under the patent rules (37 CFR 1.4), signatures on papers submitted to the USPTO must be personally inserted by the named signatory, and the USPTO may require evidence of the authenticity of a signature. Submission of papers for any improper purpose, such as to deceive the USPTO or evade the rules, may result in sanctions (37 CFR 11.18).

根据专利规则(37 CFR 1.4),提交给美国专利商标局的文件上的签名必须由指定的签名人亲自填写,美国专利商标局可要求提供签名真实性的证据。出于任何不正当目的提交文件,如欺骗美国专利商标局或规避相关规定,都可能导致制裁(37 CFR 11.18)。

In October 2022, the USPTO contacted a practitioner whose signature appeared on a large number of micro entity certification forms received by the agency. Upon further investigation, with the cooperation of the practitioner, it was discovered that the signature of the practitioner was being used by another person.


Due to the improper use of a practitioner’s signature, the submission of papers for improper purposes, and the violation of the duty of candor and good faith, the USPTO has issued a final order terminating proceedings in the applications in which this conduct occurred.


“The scale of this fraudulent action is a stark reminder for registered practitioners of their obligations under the USPTO Rules of Practice to take reasonable precautions to protect their credentials and alert the USPTO of any suspected fraud,” states Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO Kathi Vidal. “Further, it is a warning to applicants to ensure they are working with a licensed representative with authority to practice before the USPTO. Preventing fraud is an all-hands-on-deck initiative–we want all applicants to be educated on the application process,and all practitioners to safeguard their credentials.”

美国商务部负责知识产权事务的副部长兼美国专利商标局局长卡蒂-维达尔(Kathi Vidal)表示:这一欺诈行为的规模之大,严厉地提醒了注册执业者,根据《美国专利商标局执业规则》(USPTO Rules of Practice),他们有义务采取合理的预防措施保护自己的证明文件,并向美国专利商标局报告任何可疑的欺诈行为。此外,这也是对申请人的一个警告,要求他们确保与USPTO授权的执业代表合作。防止欺诈是一项全员参与的举措--我们希望所有申请人都能了解申请流程,所有从业人员都能保护自己的证明文件。

The USPTO, through the Office of Enrollment Discipline, makes available a list of registered practitioners to assist applicants, as well as a list of disciplined practitioners. Additionally, the USPTO provides on its website tips on how to identify and avoid common scams.
