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珀尔马特称版权局仍在努力在 “雄心勃勃的最后期限 ”前完成人工智能报告

来源:广东中策知识产权研究院 发布日期:2024-12-30 阅读:18

“So, AI knows everything except that which the artist needs to know to determine whether their work has been used to benefit AI.”  – Senator Peter Welch

“因此,除了艺术家需要知道的,他们的作品是否被用于造福人工智能之外,人工智能知道一切"。- 参议员彼得-韦尔奇

The Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Intellectual Property held an oversight hearing yesterday in which Register of Copyrights Shira Perlmutter told the Subcommittee members that the Office is still working to get parts two and three of its promised report on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence out by the end of this year.

参议院司法委员会知识产权小组委员会昨天举行了一次监督听证会,版权注册官希拉-珀尔马特(Shira Perlmutter)在听证会上告诉小组委员会成员,版权局仍在努力争取在今年年底前完成其承诺的《版权与人工智能》报告的第二和第三部分。

Part one of the report was published at the end of July and focused on the copyright implications of digital replicas created by AI. The report recommended passage of a federal law that would create a new form of property right for a person’s digital replica to disincentivize the creation of realistic but false depictions of individuals. On the same day the report was issued, a group of senators introduced a bill—the “Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act of 2024” (NO FAKES Act)—to create a right for individuals to control digital replicas of their voice and likeness. Perlmutter said in yesterday’s hearing that she was pleased to see the bill and that the report and the bill are in agreement on all the most crucial aspects, such as that the right should cover all individuals, there should be limits on free transferability, and the creation of a safe harbor to incentivize the swift removal of unauthorized replicas.

该报告的第一部分已于 7 月底发布,重点关注人工智能创建的数字复制品对版权的影响。报告建议通过一项联邦法律,为个人的数字复制品创造一种新的产权形式,以阻止创造逼真但虚假的个人描述。在报告发布的同一天,一群参议员提出了一项法案--“2024 年培育原创、培养艺术、确保娱乐安全法案”(NO FAKES Act)--旨在为个人创造一种权利,以控制其声音和肖像的数字复制品。珀尔马特在昨天的听证会上说,她很高兴看到该法案,而且报告和法案在所有最关键的方面都达成了一致,如该权利应涵盖所有个人,对自由转让应有所限制,以及建立安全港以鼓励迅速删除未经授权的复制品。

The NO FAKES Act was introduced by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and Thom Tillis (R-NC) in July and would establish a federal property right for every individual in their own voice and likeness. There are exceptions for news, broadcast, advertising/ marketing and documentary use, public criticism or commentary and “fleeting or negligible” use, among others. An “actual knowledge” standard would be required to prove liability. The right is not assignable during the life of the right holder but is licensable for up to 10 years (or 5 years for minors under 18) and expires 70 years after the death of the individual. There are provisions for post-mortem transfer of the right and renewal procedures as well.

《培育原创、促进艺术和保障娱乐行业安全法案》由参议员 Chris Coons(民主党)、Marsha Blackburn(共和党-田纳西州)、Amy Klobuchar(民主党-明尼苏达州)和 Thom Tillis(共和党-北卡罗来纳州)于 7 月提出,该法案将为每个人自己的声音和肖像确立联邦产权。此外,新闻、广播、广告/营销和纪录片使用、公共批评或评论以及 “短暂或可忽略不计 ”的使用均属例外。证明责任需要 “实际知情 ”标准。该权利在权利持有人有生之年不得转让,但可许可使用长达 10 年(未满 18 岁的未成年人可许可使用 5 年),并在个人死亡 70 年后失效。法案还规定了死后转让权利和续期程序。

The bill would also establish a notice and takedown process for removing unauthorized replicas and would not hold platforms liable for linking or referring users to unauthorized content, “as long as the online service removes or disables access to the unauthorized digital replica as soon as technically and practically feasible after receiving notice of a claimed violation.” Online service providers must also designate an agent as the contact point for reporting violations.

该法案还将建立一个删除未经授权复制品的通知和移除程序,并规定 “只要在线服务在收到声称侵权的通知后,在技术和实际可行的情况下尽快移除或禁止访问未经授权的数字复制品”,平台将不对链接或推荐用户到未经授权的内容负责。在线服务提供商还必须指定一名代理人作为报告违规行为的联络人。

Asked by Subcommittee Chair Chris Coons (D-DE) what keeps her up at night when it comes to the AI issue, Perlmutter said “the speed at which this is all developing.” In September during IPWatchdog LIVE 2024, Perlmutter told LIVE attendees that while she’s confident the issues around copyright and AI will eventually be solved, she’s “less comfortable about what it means for humankind.”

小组委员会主席克里斯-库恩斯(Chris Coons)在被问及人工智能问题让她夜不能寐的原因时,珀尔马特说:“这一切发展的速度太快了。”今年 9 月,在 IPWatchdog LIVE 2024 期间,Perlmutter 告诉 LIVE 的与会者,虽然她对版权和人工智能问题的最终解决充满信心,但她 “对这对人类意味着什么不太放心”。

Perlmutter recently came under fire from Committee on House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil (R-WI), who sent a letter On Tuesday, October 29, to the Office asking for an update on the AI report, which Steil charged is no longer on track to be published by its stated target dates. Steil’s letter asked the Office to explain the delay in issuance of parts two and three, which Register of Copyrights Shira Perlmutter indicated in an oversight hearing by the Committee on House Administration would be published before the end of the summer and in the fall, respectively. “The importance of these reports cannot be overstated,” Steil wrote, explaining that copyright owners are relying on the Office to provide clear guidance. “The absence of these reports creates uncertainty for industries that are already grappling with AI-related challenges and hinders lawmakers’ ability to craft effective policy,” the letter added.

珀尔马特最近遭到了众议院行政委员会主席布莱恩-斯蒂尔(Bryan Steil)(共和党-威斯康星州)的抨击,他于10月29日(周二)致信该办公室,要求提供人工智能报告的最新进展,斯蒂尔指责该报告已无法按既定目标日期出版。Steil 在信中要求版权局解释第二部分和第三部分延迟发布的原因,版权注册官 Shira Perlmutter 曾在众议院行政委员会的监督听证会上表示,第二部分和第三部分将分别在夏季结束前和秋季发布。“这些报告的重要性无论怎样强调都不为过,”斯蒂尔写道,他解释说,版权所有者都依赖版权局提供明确的指导。信中补充说:“这些报告的缺失给已经在努力应对人工智能相关挑战的行业带来了不确定性,并阻碍了立法者制定有效政策的能力。”

Perlmutter commented in the hearing that “we’ve been trying to set and follow our own ambitious deadlines” and the goal remains to get the rest of the report out by the end of the year, but that her key concern is to be “accurate and thoughtful.”

珀尔马特在听证会上评论说,“我们一直在努力设定并遵守自己雄心勃勃的最后期限”,目标仍然是在今年年底前完成报告的其余部分,但她最关心的是 “准确和周到”。

The forthcoming reports will include recommendations on how to deal with copyrightability of materials created using GAI and the legal implications of training on copyrighted works. The latter is most controversial and may in fact require additional legislation focusing on transparency requirements.

即将发布的报告将包括如何处理使用 GAI 创建的材料的版权问题以及对版权作品进行培训的法律影响的建议。后者最具争议性,事实上可能需要额外立法,重点关注透明度要求。

The Office received more than 10,000 comments on its Notice of Inquiry issued in August 2023 seeking public comment on the intersection of copyright law and artificial intelligence (AI). Notably, the comments were mostly original and substantive, rather than duplicates, making the review process lengthy. Perlmutter told the Subcommittee that nearly all commenters said the existing fair use framework is adequate to address issues surrounding the use of copyrighted works in training generative AI (GAI) models but that “views diverge strongly on what types of uses qualify as fair use.” There are presently approximately three dozen court cases pending that address this issue but no decisions. Once decisions start coming out, congress may be asked to step in, Perlmutter said.

该办公室于2023年8月发布了《调查通知》,就版权法与人工智能(AI)的交叉问题征求公众意见,共收到10,000多条意见。值得注意的是,这些意见大多是原创性和实质性的,而不是重复的,这使得审查过程变得漫长。珀尔马特告诉小组委员会,几乎所有的评论者都表示,现有的合理使用框架足以解决在训练生成式人工智能(GAI)模型时使用版权作品的问题,但 “对于哪些类型的使用符合合理使用的条件,意见分歧很大”。目前,约有三十多个法庭案件正在审理中,但尚未做出裁决。珀尔马特说,一旦开始做出裁决,国会可能会被要求介入。

In an exchange with Senator Peter Welch (D-VT), Perlmutter said the pushback from GAI companies on being transparent about what works have been used to train their AI models centers around what kind of transparency—how much and to what degree of detail. Some companies argue it would be impossible to identify all the works used.

在与参议员彼得-韦尔奇(Peter Welch,D-VT)的交流中,珀尔马特说,GAI 公司在训练其人工智能模型时使用了哪些作品方面的透明度问题上的反弹主要集中在什么样的透明度上--多大程度和多详细。一些公司认为,要确定所有使用过的作品是不可能的。

“So, AI knows everything except that which the artist needs to know to determine whether their work has been used to benefit AI,” Welch commented. Perlmutter agreed that it’s important to have that level of transparency so copyright owners can make decisions about what they want to do.
